
Spicify - A super fun game to go beyond your limits

Created by Fabio Esposito

A hot card game for couples and groups of friends that will take you on a journey discovering each other as you never imagined

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Great News - Ottime notizie!
over 1 year ago – Sat, Apr 08, 2023 at 02:00:41 AM

Hi Spicifiers!

we have always believed Spicify is a great game that almost everyone can play and enjoy. Right after the first time we played we set the goal to share the fun with as many people as possible.  We love you to have a great time with our game, that's the real reason we decided to produce the game.

Now, after a few months from the successful Kickstarter campaign (thanks to your great support!), we are making another leap toward our goal. We are now working with a major distributor for the Italian copies in Italy, Cranio Creations. We are sure this will allow many more players to have great fun with their friends and we are very happy about it.

Fabio and the whole Spicify Team


Ciao Spicifiers!

da sempre siamo convinti che Spicify sia un bel gioco a cui quasi tutti possono giocare divertendosi. Già subito dopo la prima partita a cui abbiamo giocato ci siamo posti l'obiettivo di condividere Spicify con quante più persone possibili. Desideriamo fortemente che vi divertiate con il nostro gioco, è il vero motivo che ci ha spinti a produrlo.

Adesso, a qualche mese dalla campagna Kickstarter (che ha avuto successo grazie al vostro supporto!), stiamo facendo un altro balzo in avanti verso il nostro obiettivo. Abbiamo stretto un accordo con uno dei maggiori distributori italiani, Cranio Creations, per le copie in Italiano vendute in Italia. Siamo sicuri che questo permetterà a molte più persone di provare il gioco e divertirsi con i propri amici, e non possiamo che esserne veramente felici.

Fabio e tutto il team Spicify

How was the game?
over 1 year ago – Mon, Feb 20, 2023 at 11:39:57 AM

Hi Spicifiers! 

We would really love to hear more from you about your experience with Spicify, if you liked the game, if anything surprised you, if you have discovered things you did not expect... or if there is something you did not like!

We also understand that maybe you do not want to share your comments in a public way like on our social media, so here is a little form with some questions we would like to ask you. 


Knowing your opinion about Spicify is very important for us, so please fill out the form 🥰

Thanks a thousand to every single one of you!

Wishing you all a Spicy 2023 - Auguri a tutti per un piccante 2023
over 1 year ago – Sat, Dec 31, 2022 at 02:33:55 PM

Hello Spicifiers!

2022 has been a good year for us, we managed to create our game, thanks to your awesome support, and we are very happy about it (and proud of ourselves).

2023 will bring more challenges to the table, we are looking for distributors and shops to sell the games we have produced also through these "standard" channels. So far we received some interest and positive feedbacks and we hope it will lead to something good. We have many copies left between Italian and English version and it would be awesome to find new Spicifiers to share the love with!

What about you? Did you have the chance to try Spicify? We hope so! Please let us know what you think about it, and how was the experience. Send us an email, share a post on our social media or write a review on our website or on BoardGameGeek. Help us share spicy and fun moments with other people around the world.

We wish you all a great, fun, happy and spicy 2023!

The Spicify Team 



Ciao Spicifiers!

2022 è stato un buon anno per noi, siamo riusciti a creare il nostro gioco, grazie al vostro supporto e siamo veramente felici di questo (e un po' fieri di noi stessi)

Il 2023 porterà molte nuove sfide, stiamo cercando distributori e negozi per vendere i giochi che abbiamo prodotto sfruttando anche questi canali tradizionali. Per ora abbiamo ottenuto dei buoni feedback e speriamo che portino a qualcosa di buono. Abbiamo ancora molte copie disponibili tra quelle in Italiano e in Inglese e sarebbe fantastico riuscire a trovare tanti nuovi Spicifiers con cui condividere il divertimento!

Voi? Avete avuto occasione di provare Spicify? Speriamo proprio di sì! Fateci sapere cosa ne pensate e come è stata l'esperienza. Scriveteci una mail, condividete un post sui nostri social media o scrivete una recensione sul nostro sito o su BoardGameGeek. Aiutateci a condividere momenti divertenti e piccanti con le persone di tutto il mondo.

Vi auguriamo un super 2023, pieno di divertimento, felicità e momenti piccanti!

Il Team di Spicify

Games for North America have been shipped!
over 1 year ago – Sat, Dec 17, 2022 at 06:42:21 PM

Hello Spicifiers!

Yesterday all the games heading to USA and Canada have been shipped by the fulfillment center. You should have received an email, but in case you haven't and you need tracking information, we should be able to provide that. 

Hopefully some of you have already had the chance to try the game with their friends, if so, please let us know what you liked and also what you think could be made differently!

If you want, you can also add a review of the game on our shop and on Board Game Geek

Have a great weekend, we will be crossing fingers that you receive the game before Christmas, we would be very happy about that!

US and Canada fulfillment begins soon
almost 2 years ago – Wed, Dec 07, 2022 at 03:12:13 PM

Hello Spicifiers!

The games have finally arrived to the fulfillment center in the US, Flying Cloud Fulfillment. Which means that their fulfillment will start soon, ideally within the beginning of next week.

If you are suprised to see a different fulfillment center than the one we talked about in the campaign that's because with Fulfillrite there were a couple of fixed costs that were insanely high for us given the number of gamesto ship, so we had to find a different solution. They provide a great service and I thank Sol from Fulfillrite for all the help and support he gave but unfortunately, at least for now, we cannot sustain the costs of working with them.

We will send another update when we know the games will begin to ship from the fulfillment center. 

Stay Spicy! We are almost there!

PS: some of you have not completed the survey yet, please do!