
Spicify - A super fun game to go beyond your limits

Created by Fabio Esposito

A hot card game for couples and groups of friends that will take you on a journey discovering each other as you never imagined

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Good news, we have green-light for the design of the cards
about 2 years ago – Sat, Jul 30, 2022 at 09:37:26 AM

Hello everyone! 

We just received a positive feedback from the manufacturer regarding the file with the fronts of the cards in the English version that we submitted for review. This means we can now work on the fronts of the Italian version and the backs of both. Then we will finalize also the files with the design of the boxes for both languages and ask for a final review. 

This will take approximately 10 days of work. In the meantime we have been working on the survey and the pre-order shop on Backerkit that will allow those who haven't supported the game on Kickstarter to pre-order their copies (the price is a bit higher). We will update you on these as well soon.


------------ ITALIANO -------------

Ciao a tutti!

Abbiamo appena ricevuto un riscontro positivo dal produttore riguardo i file che contengono il design dei fronte delle carte in Inglese, che abbiamo mandato in revisione qualche giorno fa. Questo vuol dire che possiamo iniziare a lavorare anche sui fronte delle carte in Italiano e sui retro delle carte in entrambe le lingue. Poi passeremo alla finalizzazione del design delle scatole, in entrambe le lingue e richiederemo una revisione finale per poter procedere con l'ordine.

Per fare questo ci vorranno circa 10 giorni di lavoro. Nel frattempo abbiamo impostato il sondaggio e la pagina di prenotazione del gioco su Backerkit per chi ha perso l'occasione di sostenere il progetto durante la campagna Kickstarter (avranno un prezzo leggermente più alto rispetto a quello sostenuto da chi ha supportato il progetto). Vi aggiorneremo a breve anche su questi aspetti


Huuuuuuge Thank You and Next Steps ---- Un enooooorme grazie e prossimi passi
about 2 years ago – Mon, Jul 25, 2022 at 06:00:08 AM

Thank you for making our project a reality! A few things need to happen before we can kick off production and fulfillment.

Here's a quick rundown:

  • First, Kickstarter needs to transfer over the funds so we have the money to make the rewards (this can take up to two weeks). We already sent the first draft of the final design for the front of the cards to our manufacturer, we are waiting for a green light to proceed with the reminder of the files.
  • Second, we have to finalize your pledge, so we know how many games you wish to order (you can add more copies to your order through the pledge manager) and where we need to ship them. We’ll send out a BackerKit survey to collect this information.

We’ll give you a heads-up before we send the survey so that you can watch for it. You don’t need to create a BackerKit account to answer your survey. The invitation email contains a link to your personal survey. It is important to submit your responses as quickly as you can since we need this information to process your rewards.

If you need to change your survey responses, purchase add-on items, or update your shipping information, you can click the link in your survey email again or request your survey link under "Lost your survey?" on our BackerKit project page. (This page will only start working after we send the surveys out.)

If you prefer, you can contact us directly and give us your information, but answering your survey help us get your rewards out to you faster. BackerKit helps us save lots of time by streamlining the survey process, automating data organization, and providing us with pledge management software to make it easy to process your pledge reward shipments.

If you used your Facebook credentials to log in to your Kickstarter account, the BackerKit survey link is sent to the email address you use for your Facebook account. If you have another email address that you prefer to use, please contact me.

Again, thanks for all your support. We can’t wait to send you your copy of Spicify!

The Spicify Team

------------------------------------ ITALIANO --------------------------------------------------------------

Grazie per aver reso possibile il nostro progetto! Ecco alcune cose che dovremo fare prima di partire con la produzione e la consegna dei giochi.

  • Prima di tutto Kickstarter deve trasferire i fondi, così da darci una mano con i costi di produzione e procedere con l’ordine dei pacchetti al produttore (ci possono volere circa un paio di settimane). Abbiamo già inviato al team di designer del produttore il file contenente tutti i fronte delle carte in inglese. Appena ci daranno un feedback in merito procederemo a correggere eventuali errori e completare l’opera con tutti i retro, i fronte in italiano e la confezione.
  • Dobbiamo raccogliere da voi i dati riguardo quanti giochi volete (è possibile aggiungerne alcuni tramite il pledge manager) e dove volete che vengano spediti. Per fare questo manderemo tramite Backerkit un sondaggio che ci aiuterà a raccogliere queste informazioni.

Vi avviseremo con un aggiornamento prima di mandarvi il sondaggio. Così da essere sicuri di non perdere la mail in cui sarà contenuto il link. È importante rispondere al sondaggio nel minor tempo possibile perché senza il completamento dei sondaggi da parte di tutti i sostenitori si rischia di creare dei ritardi nelle consegne di tutti i pacchetti, non solo i vostri.

Se dopo aver compilato il sondaggio volete modificare delle risposte, aggiungere altri pacchetti all’ordine o aggiornare l’indirizzo di spedizione potete farlo direttamente dal solito link da cui accederete al sondaggio la prima volta. Se non trovate più la mail potete richiedere il link cliccando su “Lost your survey?” nella pagina di Spicify su Backerkit (questa pagina sarà attiva solo dopo che avremo mandato i sondaggi, quindi vi manderemo un link a tempo debito).

Se preferite contattare noi direttamente per fornirci le informazioni potete farlo, ma rispondere al sondaggio è in assoluto il modo migliore per gestire tutti gli ordini e non creare confusione automatizzando il processo.

Se per collegarvi a Kickstarter avete usato le credenziali di Facebook il link per il sondaggio vi arriverà sulla mail con cui vi autenticate su Facebook. Se avete un’altra mail che preferite usare, contattateci.

Grazie mille ancora a tutti voi per il vostro sostegno! Non vediamo l’ora di mandarvi la vostra copia di Spicify!

Il team di Spicify

A new idea for the design of the wildcards front
over 2 years ago – Thu, Jul 14, 2022 at 12:30:34 AM

Hi everyone! 

We are testing new designs for the front of the Wildcards, those cards that when included in the game allow players to modify the request of the challenge in terms of choice of the partner to play with.

Here is the old design VS a new one we are testing out. Which one do you like the most and why? 

We feel like the first one did not really blended with the overall design of the other cards, since that would be the only one with the gradient. Another idea would be to keep the text and icons in two colors (without gradient), blank white background and to use two colors (still without the gradient) just for the back of the cards with the Spicify Logo in the middle.

On a side note, we are approaching the last week of the campaign! We thank you all for your awesome support and hope to get many more backers in this last week. It would be fantastic to reach our first stretched goal! Invite your friends to the party 🤩

Have a great day!

Good job everyone! Now let's shift gears :)
over 2 years ago – Thu, Jul 07, 2022 at 03:08:52 AM

Hello and thanks again to all of you 😊

We would love to reach our first stretched goal which will allow us to produce the box of the game with a material of higher quality that will look and feel nicer. This will be done with no additional cost to any of you.  The campaign is going well but to get there we need to reach more people.

To help spreading the word about the game and the Kickstarter campaign we are listing Spicify on Producthunt, which is a cool website where you can discover new products and services that have been recently launched (it's worth checking out regardless of us listing there). 

It is not a separate campaign, just a way to allow more people seeing the product and back the project on Kickstarter if they wish to do so 🎆

It is free and you can register with a google, facebook, apple or twitter account. 

To allow Spicify to get the right visibility (i.e. stay on top of the list) we need to upvote the product right in the first day of listing. Ideally, right now! 

CLICK HERE to reach our ProductHunt Page, then just click on "UPVOTE"  

Can you help us? ♥🌶

Thanks again for all the efforts and great support!

We are funded!!!!
over 2 years ago – Tue, Jun 28, 2022 at 01:22:58 AM

What a great run! We are funded in less than a week! 🙌🚀♥🌶

We have to thank every one of you for your effort and the love you showed us and our project! 

Some of you have really gone the extra 250 miles 😁 to help us out and we are very grateful for that!

Since we are already at the goal, now we will split our focus in two directions. Part will remain towards growing the audience of the campaign so that we can reach higher goal. The next goal will improve the quality of the game box even further compared to what is currently planned :)

Another part of our focus will be on finalizing the design so that we can go under production as soon as possible. It will be most likely by the end of the campaign, but we will be saving a bit of time, and you will get your game sooner (crossing fingers 🤞🤞)